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Name Tapes  1/2” Personalized Labels 1” Personalized Labels Size Tapes Custom Labels Special Message Labels Stock Labels


What material are the woven labels made of??
All our labels are 100% polyester.

Are your labels 100% woven?
Yes, all our labels are 100% woven. Even the names you enter are woven into the labels. We are one of the few web-sites that only offer 100% woven labels. Many sites offer woven labels but with your names or messages printed on. This reduces the value and worth of the labels. You must check this detail carefully when comparing prices.

How do we place an order?
You can place orders for our Name Tapes, ? Inch Personalized, 1 Inch Personalized and Size Tapes through our online ordering system. All orders are finalized once you have processed your payment details. For custom order, please email us the artwork and quantity required and we will be able to give a quotation.

How do we pay for the labels?
You can pay using our online payment system which accepts VISA and MasterCard. The system is operated by one of Thailand's leading banks and so you can be sure that it is secure.

Can we change the wordings and phrases of the labels?
For labels within our personalized pages, the only wordings you may change is the name. The limits on the number of characters are specified carefully on each page. If you require more changes to the labels, please check our Custom Label page for details.

Can you deliver the labels to any country?
Yes, we cater to a worldwide market. Our standardized product page have pre-specified delivery cost. All labels are delivered using standard Airmail. The delivery cost for custom orders will vary depending upon the quantity, country and method of delivery.

What is the standard delivery time?
For normal Airmail delivery, you should receive the labels between 14 - 17 days of placing the order. Express delivery costs more, but you will receive the labels between 8 - 12 days of placing the order.

How do you determine the delivery charge?
We look at the total number of quantity ordered for determining the delivery charge. It is therefore beneficial if you place multiple orders at once. It can help you save on cost. If you decide to choose express delivery, there is also extra charge associated with this service.

Can you create fully customized labels?
Yes, we have the facility to create labels that exactly matches your need. Simply email us the sample of the label you wish to re-create and we will be able to give you a quotation or sample. Note that the minimum order for these labels are 1200 pieces.

Do you offer refunds?
In most circumstances we do not offer a refund. We recommend that you carefully check all names and spelling when placing an order. However, in the rare circumstances that the error is our fault, then you may be eligible for a refund.

How can we contact you?
You can contact us through email, fax +(662) 4581055, ring +(662) 4581128, or visit us at our office situated at 149/1 Charansnitwong Rd. Soi 5, Bangkokyai, Bangkok, 10600, Thailand.

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Custom Labels
Name Tapes
1/2” Personalized Labels
1” Personalized Labels
Special Message Labels
Size Tapes
Stock Labels
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Lucky Label Co. Ltd, 149/1 Charansnitwong Rd. Soi 5, Bangkokyai, Bangkok 10600 THAILAND.
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